Beneteau First 210
First 210

Tech Notes

Beneteau First 210 Tech Notes

Sails and Maintenance...
2023 Keel Lift Maintenance/Ball bearing change on new first keel system
new-keel-lift/Latest Keel lift replacement parts from Beneteau
keel.html Keel Pivot Replacement on F210
keel211.html Keel Pivot Replacement on F211
keellift211.htmlF211 Keel Lift Service
keelliftnuts.html Big Brass Nuts
(Keel Lift Nut Replacement)
keelliftdesign.html Design of Swing Keel Lifting Mechanism
brightwork.htm Brightwork Refinshing
gilliam.htm Backstay Adjuster Upgrade
hoist.html Hoist Straps Question
sailinfo.html Various sail replacement info and experiences
northsailspecs.html Specifications for North racing sails for the First 210
F210AVSails.pdf Factory Specifications for F210 Spirit Sails
Modifications and Upgrades...
legs.html Installation of Grounding Legs
boomkicker.html Rigid Vang installation
bowsprit.html F210 Bowsprit modification
F211 Factory Bowsprit
traveler.html F210 stern mounted traveler
fullcover.html Full Deck Cover
cockpitcover.html Custom Cockpit Cover
outboardbracket.html Outboard Motor Bracket Modification (new!)
outboardbracket.html Outboard Motor Bracket Modification
fusepanel.html Upgraded Fusebox
backrest.html Supports for interior backrest
depthsounder.html Location for a depth sounding unit
galley.html First 210 with Full Galley
perryreview.html Perry Design Review: Beneteau First 210
history.html General History of the First 210
OriginalSpecifications.pdf Factory "as-built" Specifications
factorycommisioning.html First 210 Factory Commisioning Manual
First_21.7_ANG_240604.pdf First 217 Factory Owner's Manual
trailer.html Trailer Measurements
mastraising.html Mast Raising/Lowering System
phrfspecs.html PHRF Specifications for First 210
jdimension.html J Dimension on Classic vs. First 21.0
polars.html Polars for the Beneteau First 21.0
from Finot Group
Tuning and Rigging...
rigtension.html Beneteau First 210 Rig Tension Guide
ussparstuning.html US Spars Rig Tuning Guide
runningrigging.html Setting Up Running Rigging-Sail Controls
spinnakerrigging.html Spinnaker Rigging For A First 210/211
flyspinnaker.html Flying a Spinnaker
spinnakersinglehand.html How I Fly a Spinnaker Single Handed
lightair.html Light Air Sailing Tips For F210

Contact Jay.Harrell (at) to submit new articles or corrections.